Weather Forecast Data - Vineland
Included in Point forecast API
Available for all plans
Weather forecasts are provided by Meteosources's machine learning technology, which uses a multitude of different weather models but minimises their errors, resulting in extremely high accuracy (read about our AI weather forecasts). Predictions are available for any location on Earth.
- minute-by-minute forecast for the next hour
- hourly forecast out to 7 days
- daily forecast out to 30 days (including text summaries)
- average weather statistics and astronomy data
- severe weather data in the US, Canada, and EU
Example of weather forecast API usage
(Now) | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | |
Air temperature | 32 °F | 34 °F | 36 °F | 36 °F | 36 °F |
Feels-like temperature | 26 °F | 28 °F | 30 °F | 30 °F | 28 °F |
Cloud cover | 80% | 80% | 80% | 80% | 80% |
Precipitation | 0 in | 0 in | 0 in | 0 in | 0.01 in |
Wind speed | 4.8 mph | 3.8 mph | 4.4 mph | 3.5 mph | 4.1 mph |
Wind direction | SW | SE | SSW | SSE | S |
Wind gusts | 7 mph | 7 mph | 7 mph | 7 mph | 8 mph |
Atmospheric pressure | 30.35 in | 30 in | 30 in | 30 in | 30 in |
Humidity | 35% | 32% | 33% | 31% | 35% |
Dew point | 8 °F | 7 °F | 10 °F | 9 °F | 11 °F |
Irradiation | 279 W/m2 | 221 W/m2 | 263 W/m2 | 196 W/m2 | 80 W/m2 |
Best-in-class accuracy
Our data are approximately 5% more accurate for a 2-day forecast and 12% more accurate for a 7-day forecast. Forecast accuracy is based on temperature, clouds, and precipitation forecasts errors. A higher percentage means better forecast accuracy (100% -forecast without error- is unachievable).

Available data
Weather forecast API includes the following variables (depending on your subscription plan):
- weather icon and description
- temperature (measured, feels-like, wind-chill) in °C or °F
- wind forecast (direction, speed, gusts)
- precipitation (amount, type and rate, precipitation in the neighborhood)
- total cloud cover, including different levels of cloud
- text weather summaries in 13 languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Czech, Russian, Arabic, Hindi,...)
- probabilities of rain, thunderstorms, frost,...
- average weather statistics and astronomy data
- weather warnings (in the EU, USA, Canada)
- atmospheric pressure
- humidity and dew point
- sunshine duration
- irradiation
- visibility in m or mi
- UV index
- ozone
- snow depth in cm or in
- special variables like soil temperature, surface temperature, evaporation, etc.
- weather predictability and uncertainty of forecast
For more information see Point Weather Forecast API documentation.