Real-time, forecast & historical accurate data
At an affordable price, you will receive accurate and reliable data that you can easily implement
into your website or application. We also help you optimise weather-dependent activities.
{ "place_id": "london", "language": "en", "unit": "metric" }
{ "timezone": "Europe/London", "units": "metric", "current": { "icon_num": 7, "weather": "Overcast", "temperature": 2.2, "feels_like": -1.8, "dew_point": -2.2, "wind": { "speed": 2.7, "gusts": 5.6, "angle": 98, "dir": "E" }, "precipitation": { "total": 0 }, "cloud_cover": 92, "irradiance": 0, "pressure": 1025, "uv_index": 0, "humidity": 69 }, "hourly": { "date": "2025-02-14T01:00:00", "icon": 7, "summary": "Overcast", "temperature": 2.2, "temperature1829": 0, "feels_like": -1.8, "dew_point": -4.5, "wind": { "speed": 2.7, "gusts": 5.6, "dir": "E", "angle": 98 }, "cloud_cover": { "total": 92 }, "pressure": 1025, "precipitation": { "total": 0 }, "probability": { "precipitation": 0 }, "irradiance": 0, "humidity": 60 }, "daily": { "day": "2025-02-14", "icon": 6, "summary": "Mostly cloudy, more clouds in the evening. Temperature 1/5 °C.", "all_day": { "temperature_min": 0.8, "temperature_max": 4.5, "wind_speed": 3.3, "probability": { "precipitation": 0 } }, "astro": { "sun": { "rise": "2025-02-14T07:15:59", "set": "2025-02-14T17:15:00" } } }, "minutely": { "summary": "No precipitation over the next hour." } }
Mostly cloudy, more clouds in the evening. Temperature 1/5 °C.
No precipitation over the next hour.
time | weather | temp | wind (m/s) | precipitation probability | total (mm) | feels like |
Now | 2°C | -2°C | ||||
1:00 | 2°C | -2°C | ||||
2:00 | 2°C | -2°C | ||||
3:00 | 2°C | -3°C | ||||
4:00 | 1°C | -3°C | ||||
5:00 | 2°C | -2°C | ||||
6:00 | 1°C | -2°C | ||||
7:00 | 1°C | -3°C | ||||
8:00 | 1°C | -3°C | ||||
9:00 | 1°C | -4°C | ||||
10:00 | 2°C | -2°C | ||||
11:00 | 3°C | -1°C | ||||
12:00 | 4°C | 0°C | ||||
13:00 | 4°C | 1°C | ||||
14:00 | 5°C | 1°C | ||||
15:00 | 5°C | 2°C | ||||
16:00 | 4°C | 1°C | ||||
17:00 | 4°C | -1°C | ||||
18:00 | 3°C | -1°C | ||||
19:00 | 2°C | -2°C | ||||
20:00 | 2°C | -2°C | ||||
21:00 | 2°C | -2°C | ||||
22:00 | 2°C | -2°C | ||||
23:00 | 2°C | -2°C |
To improve weather forecasts, we have developed cutting-edge machine learning models. All available weather measurements, along with local and global data, are incorporated into our meteorological AI technology to provide accurate hyperlocal weather forecasts anywhere in the world.
The world's most innovative companies use Meteosource.
Comprehensive hyperlocal weather data for any GPS coordinate. Updated in real-time based on the latest measurements. Minute-by-minute, hourly, and daily forecasts are available.
High-resolution weather maps that can be overlaid within mapping applications. Current and forecasted layers include the most useful data on precipitation, temperature, and numerous other variables.
Historical weather based on actual measurements. Receive historical weather for any location in the world.
We provide data adjusted to your needs and for specific business sectors. Furthermore, our AI experts are always ready to apply our models for the purposes you specify.
We have been providing professional weather services to our customers since 2007. Although we started out as a small team of weather enthusiasts, we quickly realised the great potential of new technologies and expanded our team to include AI experts and big data analysts. We now offer affordable but superior services and have never looked back.
Our mission is to help you utilise weather information, save costs, and maximise your returns. In addition to our weather API, we are happy to offer customised solutions based on your needs.