Weather API - Basel

Real-time, forecast & historical accurate data

At an affordable price, you will receive accurate and reliable data for Basel that you can easily implement into your website or application. We provide weather data globally.

  • Predictions for any GPS or City
  • Minute-by-minute adjustments
  • Forecasts up to 30-days
    "place_id": "basel",
    "language": "en",
    "unit": "metric"
    "timezone": "Europe/Zurich",
    "units": "metric",
    "current": {
        "icon_num": 7,
        "weather": "Overcast",
        "temperature": 5,
        "feels_like": 1.2,
        "dew_point": 3.5,
        "wind": {
            "speed": 4.8,
            "gusts": 10.4,
            "angle": 243,
            "dir": "WSW"
        "precipitation": {
            "total": 0
        "cloud_cover": 96,
        "irradiance": 0,
        "pressure": 1013,
        "uv_index": 0,
        "humidity": 87
    "hourly": {
        "date": "2024-04-16T23:00:00",
        "icon": 7,
        "summary": "Overcast",
        "temperature": 5,
        "temperature1829": -3.5,
        "feels_like": 1.2,
        "dew_point": 3.5,
        "wind": {
            "speed": 4.8,
            "gusts": 10.4,
            "dir": "WSW",
            "angle": 243
        "cloud_cover": {
            "total": 96
        "pressure": 1012,
        "precipitation": {
            "total": 0
        "probability": {
            "precipitation": 48
        "irradiance": 0,
        "humidity": 90
    "daily": {
        "day": "2024-04-16",
        "icon": 5,
        "summary": "Mostly cloudy, more clouds in the evening. Temperature 5/11 °C. Wind from W.",
        "all_day": {
            "temperature_min": 4.5,
            "temperature_max": 10.8,
            "wind_speed": 6.3,
            "probability": {
                "precipitation": 49
        "astro": {
            "sun": {
                "rise": "2024-04-16T06:38:36",
                "set": "2024-04-16T20:21:42"
    "minutely": {
        "summary": "No precipitation over the next hour."

Mostly cloudy, more clouds in the evening. Temperature 5/11 °C. Wind from W.

No precipitation over the next hour.

time weather temp wind (m/s) precipitation probability total (mm) feels like
Now 5°C 634.8 - % 0 1°C
23:00 5°C 4.8 48 % 0 1°C

Current and weather forecast API
for Basel

Real-time weather data for Basel, Switzerland are provided by Meteosources's machine learning technology, which uses a multitude of different weather models but minimises their errors, resulting in extremely high accuracy. The local weather data shown are for coordinates 47.55839N, 7.57327E, 279 m above sea level. You can get the output in local timezone Europe/Zurich or UTC.
You can choose any city worldwide.

We are meteorologists with over 15 years of experience

We have been providing professional weather services to our customers since 2007. Although we started out as a small team of weather enthusiasts, we quickly realised the great potential of new technologies and expanded our team to include AI experts and big data analysts. We now offer affordable but superior services and have never looked back.

Our mission is to help you utilise weather information, save costs, and maximise your returns. In addition to our weather API, we are happy to offer customised solutions based on your needs.

  • Expertise
    and know-how
  • Accurate
  • Affordable
  • Reliable
    and fast

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